Easter Crafts you can Make with your Kids
Every spring, we go to the store and pick out eggs and some form of dye so our kids can make their own Easter eggs. This time-honored tradition is one that many children and parents look forward to each year, but there are also many other crafts and activities we can do with our kids to make this time of year special.
Bunny Ears
Martha Stewart’s website has an adorable craft you can make for your little ones that will be perfect for a family photo on Easter. All you need to make it is a headband, pink felt, hot glue, and felt scissors. Keep it with your Easter decorations for next year so you can enjoy it every year. For the full directions, visit Martha Stewart’s site here.
Sheep Paper Plate
For a fun craft for your kids, Easy Peasy and Fun’s website shows how to transform a simple paper plate into an adorable sheep decoration using only cotton balls, black and white paper, and glue. The craft is sure to be fun for your children and will make a cute decoration for the holiday. For the instructions, please go to Easy Peasy and Fun’s website here.
Peek-a-boo Clothespin Eggs
For your older children or a craft, you can make for your younger children, check out the directions for Peek-a-boo Clothespin Eggs on the One Little Project at a Time website. This sweet little project can fit anywhere and is fun for kids to play with.
Shaving Cream Eggs
For a different idea of dying eggs, try using the shaving cream method found on the Better Homes and Gardens website. Using plain shaving cream, decorate it with dye and roll the eggs into the mixture to create unique designs and patterns on the eggs.
Handprint and footprint art
For your smallest children, show them how they can use their handprints and footprints to create art for Easter. On the Pinkie for Pink website, Nichole shows how her children’s footprints turned into an Easter duck, handprints turned into beautiful bouquets, and a single handprint turned into a bunny. For examples of what her and her kids put together, visit the site here.
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